Make the Phone Ring

Make the Phone Ring

2024 — It’s no longer a time to wait for the phone to ring – you have to make the phone ring. If you’re a business owner, that means getting out and getting you and your company known. Doing so is seemingly tough for funeral directors. Why is that...
Road Trip! Simpson Funeral Museum

Road Trip! Simpson Funeral Museum

Open to any Funeral Directors in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.   RSVP by September 5, 2024         **Limited to 40 attendees REGISTRATION FORM Contact us at 1-800-CASKETT or email Please RSVP to join us on a trip to the...
The book Much wants More

The book Much wants More

The book Much wants More illustrates several instances where the protagonist receives something really nice and then promptly asks for something more to add to it! We see and do this all the time. It goes from familial settings at home between children, to dictators...
Value – it’s not just a mathematical calculation

Value – it’s not just a mathematical calculation

Do you get up every morning, shower, and dress for work with 5 total strangers? Most of us wouldn’t admit that, but it’s true. At least 5 voices in our head telling us what we’re doing wrong, what we aren’t doing, and what we should be doing. It’s a wonder we can even...
First on the List

First on the List

Many years ago, an informal national survey was done to determine the Top 10 wealthiest people in funeral service. However, it had nothing to do with wealth accumulated or notoriety gained. It had everything to do with helping others along in the profession. The...
That #@$% Password

That #@$% Password

More and more we need a password to do almost anything. From ATMs to E-Bay if we don’t have the right password, we don’t get access. Simple, easy enough – BUT there are sometimes complicated guidelines to getting the right password and if we don’t follow them, we...