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Do you get up every morning, shower, and dress for work with 5 total strangers?

Most of us wouldn’t admit that, but it’s true. At least 5 voices in our head telling us what we’re doing wrong, what we aren’t doing, and what we should be doing. It’s a wonder we can even focus in the morning.

Speculation of who these voices are varied. The enemy; deceased parents; obsessive bosses or even Satan. The list is endless.

BUT WHY are they talking to me and always in a negative manner?

I’m not a psychologist and don’t know the definitive answer but I’m convinced that it’s connected to LOVE. The Hebrew word for love is Ahavah. There are several kinds of Ahavah; the kind of love that a parent has for a child is parental Ahavah; the kind that a brother has for a brother is brotherly Ahavah and so on. What then is the problem with not having Ahavah for ourselves?

In the best-selling book ever written, love is one of the most repeated words so there must be something to it. We value ourselves but how much?

Funeral service personnel does a job that creates thanks and praise and a platonic love from everyone connected to the death. That’s a fact.

Isn’t it about time we recognized that it’s ok to love ourselves, that we are good and it’s now time to throw out those naysayers talking in our head?

When you value yourself first, valuing and loving others becomes easy.

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The ADDvantage Casket Company, LLC
Main Office & NC Distribution Center
3209 Wellington CT – Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27615

Regional Distribution Center
Hickory, NC

We Are Proud Members of

South Carolina Funeral Directors Association Established 1898. Palm tree on brown
International Cemetary Cremation and Funeral Assocation.
VFDA is the Virginia Funeral Directors Association overlays the outline of the state of Virginia.