green icon with black world

We all know how to tell somebody when they’re doing “it” wrong – whatever “it” may be. But do we take as much time when we catch someone doing “it” right? I have erred in this many times over the years and while I’m better it still gives me pause when I read a story like the following.

There was a troubled relationship between a father and his son that ends bitterly with harsh words, threats and the son storming out stating he is not coming back. Ever.

The father hunts and hunts for his boy over the next few months but can’t locate him anywhere. Finally, now at the end of his rope the father places an advertisement in a major newspaper in that city. It reads:

Dear Pablo,
Meet me in front of this newspapers’ office at noon this Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you.

That Saturday 800 men of all ages named Pablo turn up- each seeking and longing for love and forgiveness from their fathers.

Today take a moment to think about saying good and positive things to the family and co-workers that you have been given in your life. Allow that to be a habit that becomes almost automatic.

And don’t forget to answer that ad.

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The ADDvantage Casket Company, LLC
Main Office & NC Distribution Center
3209 Wellington CT – Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27615

Regional Distribution Center
Hickory, NC

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